The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project is a data-visualization, data analysis, and digital storytelling collective documenting the dispossession of Bay Area residents in the wake of the Tech Boom 2.0. We are a collective of housing justice activists, researchers, data nerds, artists, and oral historians who work together to illuminate narratives of displacement and resistance in the Bay Area
Where Oakland, Alameda and Fremont
These three cities are facing disproportionately high rates of evictions at this time. This year-long project focuses on these three cities in Alameda County as an aspect of our expanding and ongoing work in the Bay Area.
What We partnered with Tenants Together.
With Tenants Together, we accessed previously inaccessible eviction data in Alameda county and populated a multi-layered map. This map charts both the hard eviction data that has been hidden in file cabinets out of public view, alongside audio and video oral history testimonies of individuals and collectives who are facing displacement and resisting displacement in Oakland, Fremont, and Alameda. We are publishing a report of our findings and throwing a community event to mark the completion of the map, honor those who participated in our oral history project, and amplify the work of our Collaborators.
Why Maps and digital storytelling makes the obscured processes of displacement, and who it most directly impacts, more visible.
Centering life-histories and documenting the relationships between eviction, development, rental cost, and policing as they manifest across the Bay Area is one way we feel we can contribute to movement building for housing justice and cultural survival.
How The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project and Tenants Together requested data from the Oakland rent board and Alameda County courts to analyze, map, and release.
We have also obtained data from community partners, with whom we have built coalitions so that the data and narratives highlighted on our maps support the anti-displacement work that is already underway in the East Bay. We take a collaborative, life-story approach that centers anti-oppression frameworks to interviewing and documentary practices.
Alameda Renters Coalition | Betti Ono Gallery | Bayanihan Youth Group | Filipino Advocates for Justice | Oakland Creative Neighborhoods Coalition | Chela Delgado & her class at Oakland Coliseum College Prep | RISE Coalition | Tenants of 2044 International Blvd. in solidarity with CJJC & EBAYC | Matt Palm and Deb Neimeier of the National Center for Sustainable Transportation at UC Davis | Braz Shabrell of the East Bay Community Law Center
Made possible with funding from the Creative Work Fund through our Media Arts Award
Attached Document: