Rent Control for All
If you don't think landlords have a right to unlimited rent increases and to evict tenants for any reason, then you believe in rent control to curb rents and just cause to prevent unfair evictions.
If you don't think landlords have a right to unlimited rent increases and to evict tenants for any reason, then you believe in rent control to curb rents and just cause to prevent unfair evictions.
My name is Ana and I'm a mother of five children we are originally from Salinas, ca my life has change dramatically 3 years ago when my father in law past away my husnand change completly to a happy and goofy person he became angry and kept to himself we moved to arizona hoping he would cope better out there but we eneded up coming back to live where my parents lived at in Tracy, Ca A year ago we moved in with our neighbor my mom used to watch her kids she was going to rent us a very small camper trailer but then I suggested to get a big trailer because we're a family of 7 she agreed we mov
With ballots arriving in the mail as we speak, Tenants Together is happy to share our statewide coalition's endorsements of eight local pro-renter ballot measures, up for a vote on November 8th. Housing instability often means that renters vote less often than homeowners. It's very important to make your voice heard if you're eligible to vote! (If you haven't registered to vote, or have had to move since your last registration, you can register here.)
Tenants Together's statewide membership is proud to support:
Tenants Together and our coalition of members are proud to endorse three ballot measures. Click on each one to learn more, and sign up to volunteer and support!
Yes on Measure C will create rent control and just-cause for eviction in the city of Sacramento.
Yes on Measure RC will create rent control and just-cause in the city of Burbank.
A Sacramento Superior Court judge ruled Friday to pull a citizen’s initiative charter amendment from the ballot after the City of Sacramento sued to remove it. The ballot measure, which would have enacted rent control in Sacramento if approved by voters, was validated by over 50,000 signatures from Sacramento residents.
Mountain View voters strongly rejecting Measure D in early results Mountain View Voice