The Alameda County Bar Association Volunteer Legal Services Corporation (VLSC) will hosts this free legal clinic once per month on the first Saturday. Community Legal Assistance Saturday Program (CLASP) will provide free legal consultation, advice, and referral services to address individuals' legal questions. Attorneys with experience and knowledge in a wide spectrum of areas of law, including family, criminal, immigration, housing, employment, consumer, personal injury, probate, and real estate will be on hand to meet with individuals, generally for a 15-20 minute consultation. Ongoing representation will not be offered to those seeking assistance at CLASP but individuals will be directed to other legal services organizations or the Lawyer Referral Service for further assistance. Interpretation MAY be available in: Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin
- The first Saturday of every month at the Alameda County Law Library
- The doors will be open from 10:30 am –12:00pm
- Anyone arriving during this window will be seen that day
updated 11/18 _LH