Marin County Superior Court Legal Self-Help Services

Free Legal Self Help Services Available to the Public, in English and Spanish 

Legal Self Help Services (LSHS) provides free assistance to those who do not have attorneys. Due to the high volume of court users, services are provided in person only on a first-come, first-served basis. LSHS does not provide services by phone or by appointment. Services include: intake, information and referral to legal services partners, individual assistance with legal document preparation; bilingual assistance and legal reference materials for non-English speakers; assistance in conducting self-guided legal research; and coordination of volunteers and interns who provide direct customer services. 

LSHS offers one-on-one assistance to self-represented litigants. LSHS utilizes a variety of web-based tools, available in multiple languages, to help litigants prepare their legal documents. There are numerous self-help resources in easy-to-understand legal publications and on the internet for Californians. LSHS maintains a library of written resources, such as Nolo Press books, that can explain complex processes in layperson’s language. 

Staff are also available to provide information on how to file various kinds of legal documents, serve opposing parties, and explain court procedures and legal terminology, as well as giving the public tips on how to prepare for and what to bring to court appearances. 

Primary Areas of Legal Assistance are: 

  • Child Custody & Visitation
  • Child Support
  • Small Claims
  • Divorce/Dissolutions
  • Domestic Violence
  • Guardianship
  • Harassment Restraining Orders
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Mediation
  • Name Changes
  • Paternity

Legal Self Help Resources Available on the Internet 

Over the past several years, numerous legal self-help programs have become available over the Internet. Several California law web-based tools are available at LSHS or may be accessed from any location. Here are links to some of the tools used in the LSHS: 

California Courts Self Help Center - This is the Judicial Council of California’s self help services website. Information is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Chinese. This tool provides assistance with family law, small claims, domestic violence, elder issues, traffic matters, evictions, bankruptcy, conservatorships, guardianships and many more types of cases. Click here


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