North Marin Community Services

North Marin Community Services provides an array of services for children, adults, seniors and families to help them achieve well-being, growth and success. 

If you are experiencing a financial crisis and may be at risk for becoming homeless, you may be eligible to apply for one-time rental assistance, mortgage payment assistance or rental security deposit assistance.  Minimum eligibility requirements include:

  1. You are “very low-income” or “extremely low-income”
  2. You are a resident of Novato for at least 6 months; or you are homeless and living in Novato
  3. Your landlord or mortgage holder must be willing to accept a check from North Marin Community Services
  4. Please note that some other restrictions may apply

North Marin Community Services has 2 offices

Wilson Ave Center

     680 Wilson Ave, Novato, CA 94947

     Phone: (415) 892-1643

Hours: 7:00 AM to 6:00PM, closed Sundays

Novato Blvd Center

     1907 Novato Blvd, Novato, CA 94947

     Phone: (415) 897-4147

Hours: 9:00AM to 11:30 AM, 1:00PM to 4:00PM from Monday-Thursday

updated 07/19_FC

Must be resident of Novato for 6 months. Must show certain paperwork as mandated by case manager.
(415) 897-4147

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