San Luis Obispo Legal Assistance Foundation (SLOLAF)

SLOLAF’s programs offer free legal-aid services, including direct legal representation, educating clients for self-representation, and facilitating conflict resolution

1) The Senior Legal Services Project provides free legal services to seniors aged 60 and older in San Luis Obispo County. The Project is especially concerned that those most in need receive assistance housing needs (landlord-tenant, evictions, nursing homes and board and care situations), and protection from elder abuse situations.  The Project also helps clients in financial distress deal with aggressive creditors. Phone number: (805) 543-5140

2) The Veterans Assistance Program provides free legal assistance to eligible veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in an effort to help the veteran make a successful transition to permanent housing. Phone number: (805) 237-0352

3) Legal Assistance for Victims Program provides legal support in many areas, including housing law, for matters arising from intimate partner violence. Phone number: (805)781-6418

4) Income Eligible Programs

  • Housing
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Unlawful Detainer (Eviction)
  • Fair Housing/Discrimination
  • Habitability
  • Accessibility/Reasonable Accommodations
  • Foreclosure Prevention
  • Advice for those impacted by COVID-19


updated 8/7/2023_AJ

SLOLAF provides free legal assistance on civil matters to eligible low-income residents of San Luis Obispo County, including seniors (60+), veterans, people with disabilities, and other individuals/families, No immigration status/documentation needed
(805) 543-5140

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