We are a non-profit organization serving low-income families in Rohnert Park and Cotati. We offer several programs, including Homeless Prevention (rental and deposit assistance), Youth Education and Employment, Counseling, Latino Outreach and Diversion Counseling.
Applicants need to be low-income families or individuals living in or moving to Rohnert Park or Cotati, and have already lived in Sonoma County for at least six months. Applicants are not eligible if: 1) they have received assistance for rent or deposit within the last two years; 2) have received deposit assistance that was not returned to the funding agency when the tenant moved out; 3) have Section 8 Housing Assistance (can apply for deposit only); or 4) can not prove that they will be able to pay their future rent. Applicants need to attend a Homeless Prevention workshop, which is offered twice each week (please call the information line listed for eligibility requirements and workshop times and locations.)
(707) 588-2285