Hi my name is Abigail. I've been a Property manager for 6 years. I was first a Tenant and after 9 months and 6 managers I applied for the job. Last year it was clear that the management company was overcharging. They refused to refund all monies owed and forced me into continuing as though nothing was wrong not just my property but quite a few in LA. It made me physically sick causing me high blood pressure and deep depression. I voiced my disagreement in the company's position. The began treating me quite differently trying to write me up for silly things. Finally after 6 months I spoke to an attorney who filed a class action lawsuit against the. Of course I was fired and now being evicted from my home. It has affected my life especially my children. I didn't realize just how much until I attended a parent teacher conference at my 12 year old son's school and saw a report he wrote hanging on the wall for which he got a perfect score of 24/24. He talked about our situation and one line that got me was where he said; I asked my mom when did she start disliking her job and she said, when the company lost value in it's value. He stated how proud he was to be my son and I am so proud for the positive impact I was able to make during this ordeal. Please help. The companies involved are FPI management and Amcal Housing.