
Residence Type: 
Single unit
Landlord Type: 

My husband and I and are 16year old child have lived in our house for 3years and in Aug. this man came to are home with a 3 day pay are quite saying we were all mosted 2 years behide in rent tell us he was are landlords partener we have never meet him before so we went to court and won that case in set. we came home and papers were taped to the door it was a other 3day payb or quite and a 60day from are landlord saying we wrer 1year behind this house we have lived in for 3years has no heat and is falling down it is very bad in oct we got a paper frow courts saying they filed unlawful detaner well we waited to be served and didn't get anything 2mouths later someone tape more papers to are door it was a unlawful detaner so we had 15days to file are answer we went to file are answer 2days before the dead line and the courts said the filed a judgment agaist us the day before I said that we had 15days he looked it up and said yes you did so we came home thinking we were ok the nexted day the phone rang it was the man from the court tell us that they are letting the judgment stayed so back to the court house we went talked to a lady saying that no we didn't have 15days that we only had 10days I said no she yes well because my landlord is the mayor of the town we live in they let him get away with filing his paperwork early so now me and my family didn't get to tell are side and have 5days to get out of are home.

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