hi my name is Margarita,
i moved in to a house in the city of bellflower i year ago. i paid my rent the landlord never bothered to do no upgrading to the house we had no heater and he would just come when ever he felt like it.I would get upset but i never pursuit much because i knew i would not be able to find a house because i have bad credit. on nov 5 i received a notice to evict in 5 days. i reached out to the landlord and he went to court and informs me that the judge denied his rights of posession and i needed to go turn in an exparte and prove that ive been living in the property. to my surprise the judge very rude and upset tells me that it dont matter what i say that he aint changing the judgement and i need to leave by nov 25. i got an attorney and they got me to stay till jan 25 because the banks dont want to help me or let me try to pay them directly but yet they want me to writte a letter against my landlord because he is appealing for the judgement. my attorney tried to have them give me something to let me stay or give me an offer in order for me to find another home. instead they gave me a dead line on dec 12 7pm that if i didnt sign to their terms they will submit to the sherrifs to lock me and my children out. i was forced to sign and im so depressed because i cant find another house and now im a single mother trying to find another home. christmas is near and im broke because im paying my attorneys and im trying to get housing. we have pets and my children will not accept us having to give them away or leaving them anywhere. we are a family and we have each other but it hurts knowing that i was taken advantage by a landlord that did fraud and a bank that threaten me if i didnt sign to their terms and the conditions that ive doubt with to keep a roof over my children heads. since i read on Tenants together and realized about the new law passing on january 1 2020 i knew that the bank forced me to sign before that law passes. after christmas me and my kids will pact and get ready to leave by january 25 2020. im so depressed and all i could do is reach out for help.