Both my husband and I were hired to manage as onsite managers when the owner sold the park 8 months later the new owner hired a management company to handle the account. 10 months later when the owner visited the park she asked how were things going with the management company we gave her our input we told her how the management company provided no training to us neither the necessary tools needed. She passed this on to the trustees and the management they became upset and began to harass and retaliate against both my husband and I pushing til we felt forced to leave. When we went to unemployment appeals hearing they stated they had no reason for letting me go. They stated I had never been charged with misconduct. Therefore there was no valid reason for forcing us to resign except out of retaliation for speaking up. The residents of the park feel betrayed and so do we. The park has sold the home we lived in and no longer have onsite managers. The residents collected over 100 signatures to get us back and were ignored. They requested a townhall and were ignored. This management has shown clearly what their intentions were with us.