The mission of EPACT and EPACT Education Fund is to protect and promote the rights, common good and general welfare of the tenant residents of East Palo Alto, California through preserving and creating quality affordable housing for low and moderate income residents, advocacy, lobbying, conducting research, education, mobilizing, and tenant empowerment.
Specifically, EPACT and EPACT Education Fund work to:
- assist individual residents with housing problems as well as identifying stable and healthful housing
- advise and advocate on behalf of groups of residents in building complexes, neighborhoods or tenants' unions
-address the need for community-wide tenant organizing, education, and coalition building
- educate tenants about their rights through flyers, brochures, workshops, and monthly meetings
- gather and disseminate data about tenant communities
- change public policy to guarantee fair and equal housing to all East Palo Alto residents
All tenants
(650) 322-9725