Legal Services for Seniors (LSS) can help with:
- Elder Abuse, Financial & Physical
- Security, SSI and private pension problems
- Health care, Medicare, Medi-Cal & private health insurance problems
- Housing rights and landlord/tenant disputes
- Advanced Health Care Directives
- Simple wills
- Consumer and debt collection problems
- Guardianships
Aside from the Salinas office (info at the bottom of the page), LSS also has a Seaside office:
915 Hilby Avenue, Suite 2
Seaside, California 93955
Seaside, California 93955
Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 p.m.
(831) 899-0492
updated 07/19_FC
Must be a Monterey County Resident and at least 60 years old.
(831) 442-7700