Rent Control for All
If you don't think landlords have a right to unlimited rent increases and to evict tenants for any reason, then you believe in rent control to curb rents and just cause to prevent unfair evictions.
If you don't think landlords have a right to unlimited rent increases and to evict tenants for any reason, then you believe in rent control to curb rents and just cause to prevent unfair evictions.
Tenants and their supporters rallied in front of 1049 Market Street on November 12, demanding that landlord John Gall withdraw eviction notices for the building. Gall wants to convert residentially occupied units at 1049 Market to offices, a move that would displace tenants and reverse progress toward revitalizing Mid-Market. It’s the residents who keep the street alive after office workers leave, which is why the city is trying to increase housing in the area.
June 24, 2021: With the clock ticking as the state legislation barring eviction for nonpayment of rent, (Senate Bill 91) nears its June 30 expiration, the California Apartment Association (CAA) intervened to water down legislation from Governor Gavin Newsom, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, and State Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins to extend eviction protections.
Updated 08/23_RV
After a harrowing 2 years due to the fires, greedy landlords, and being forced out on streets. I found myself in the crisis stabilization unit in Santa Rosa after a suicide attempt . My fear of being homeless is more than I can bear. Two years later I thought I had found the perfect home in Cotati and I could afford the rent after living with my mother in a converted garage for nearly nine months. The woman that rented me a room for lived in a HUD home off of East Cotati.
I am a single, disabled senior citizen. I have been living in the same duplex for 6 years. I asked my landlord for ADA accomodations so I would not fall, and he refused. I asked my landlord to fix the electricity in the kitchen which kept going out and he refused. Then he raised my rent 29%. A month later he gave me a 60 day notice to vacate. He refuses to answer my texts, calls or letters. I am going to be homeless at Christmas as I have no one to turn to. The 60 day notice was taped to my front door by a law firm he obtained. I am not late on rent and have taken good care of the